
Silvana Callegari



Germany (+49) 17661253608

Colombia (+57) 3104884692

© 2020 Development, Content and Design by Silvana Callegari.













3D Blender/Cinema 4D




Substance 3D Painter


Adobe Ai/Ps/Id













Average grade for Bachelor : 4.3 (Colombian grade system)

Majored in Fine Arts and Graphic emphases.
Thesis in Virtual Installation titled: “Ouroboros”.


Average grade for Master : 1.1 (German grade system)
2017- 2019.

Majored in Interface Design and Media Environments.
Fully funded by the Icetex under the “Young Talents-Scholarship”
Master Thesis in Mixed Reality titled:
“Ouroboros: Uncanny Jolts Through Mixed-Reality and Back Again”.

    Other Courses
  • Set Design for Cinema and Tv course with Simona Migliotti, Sabana University, 03.08.2013.
  • Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps, Coursera, Goldsmiths University of London, 2016.
  • TouchDesigner Workshop, Genius Loci Weimar, David Leroy, 09.08.2018.
  • Build Location Based ARKit/ARCore apps with AR Foundation, Udemy, 2018.
  • Dominate ARCore 1.x : Build 9 Augmented Reality Apps, Udemy, 2018.
  • Imagineering in a Box - Khan Academy, 2020.
  • Interactive sensorial Art - Cuna School of Art, Science and Technology, 2020.
  • Creation of WebXR, VR and AR, experiences using Three.JS - Udemy, 2021.
  • 3D Programming with JavaScript and the Three.js 3D Library - Udemy, 2021.

  • Freelance Concept Artist - Rooom AG (August 2021 - Ongoing)
    Concept artist, UI and UX designer of 3D spaces for exhibitions, festivals, learning spaces and concerts in the Metaverse.
  • Start Steps - Berlin (October 2023 - Ongoing)
    Mentoring for professionals who want to start a career in the XR field.
  • Bauhaus-Universität - Weimar (March 2024)
    Spring school Augmented Reality laboratory, "Augmented Futures" Co-taught with Matthew Lloyd.
  • 5. Audiovisual Laboratory - MAC, Bogotá (October 2023)
    Invited to present an online workshop on Touchdesigner, organized by Festival Este and the University Corporation Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO for the Museum of Modern Art.
  • Chair Professor - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (January 2021 - December 2021)
    Expanded Image remote chair professor in the Electronic Arts department of the Visual Arts bachelor program.
  • CUNA School of Art, Science and Technology (March - April 2021)
    Lecturer in a workshop titled "Augmented Reality: Cyber-Workshop of critical creation" taught to an international group, routed to teach the latest practices of Augmented Reality in Unity3D, accompanied by theory lectures about New Media, Hyperreality, Posthumanism, Virtual Agency, along with other postmodern discourses.
  • Bauhaus Universität - Weimar (January 2021)
    Lecture on history of Mixed Realities and Spark AR workshop for the course 'Subversive Computing for Shared Interactions' of Prof. Jason Reizner.
  • Weird Science Lab - Suratómica (March - May 2020)
    Laboratory of 70 hours where I taught the practices of Augmented Reality, theories of Hauntology, Hyperreality and Quantum worlds to 30 participants in an open course, organized by Suratómica. Half of the program was taught online as we entered the COVID-19 lockdown at the end of March.
  • Courses of creative coding for kids - Fundación Hogar San Mauricio (February - March 2020)
    As a voluntary work, I taught 64 hours at a foundation of the ICBF (Colombian institute of family welfare) where primary school kids live, where they learned about creative coding with Scratch, Arduino, and Virtual Reality.
  • Bauhaus-Universität (October 2018 - September 2019)
    Web designer for the University’s implementation of a tool to guide potential students in the understanding of the requirements and application process.
  • The Busking Project (February 2017 - Present)
    Freelance graphic and web designer at a British/Colombian company dedicated to support street artists and musicians around the world.
  • Festival Estéreo Picnic (2017)
    Assistant for the general decoration and set design of the most important music festival in Colombia.
  • Theme Park 1900 (2009- 2015)
    First automobile theme park in Latin America, situated in Villa de Leyva, Colombia, created by my father Leonardo Callegari. Composed by 10 different stands conceived to transport, an average of 10.000 visitors per year, into the first thirty years of 1900. Seven automobile replicas and originals immersed inside their own stages, conveyed guests to the beginning of the automotive industry and the magic of the past. Since the beginning of the project I was the main assistant in the creative and building process, which led me to apprehend the blending between creative imagination and technical know-how. In 2011, and after my father's death, I took charge over the creative and art direction department.
  • Business Group Insepet (August 2013- December 2014)
    Graphic designer at a gas pumps manufacturer and commercialization company, based in Bogotá, Colombia. I was specially dedicated to the project’s area, in the design of communication strategies for the company’s change of image, development and execution of marketing and advertising schemes for promotional and special events, production and direction of corporative videos. One of the most important projects I directed was the developed of graphics for the new touch screens, installed on the majority of gas pumps in the country.
  • Gordo, Calvo y Bajito (2011)
    Set Dresser and assitant in the art direction department for the Colombian animated film, directed by Carlos Osuna.
  • Streetpr (November 2015 - August 2016)
    Company based in London, England, dedicated to the management and organization of staff for festivals and promotions for important brands. I worked as an Event Manager and Team Leader which gave me the experience to guide staff and immerse myself in the logistics, organization and production of events. Such as Download Festival UK, British Summer Time at Hyde Park and WWE events.

  • Realities in Transition V2_ LAB - Residency
    Extended Reality productions and experimentation with new narratives and creative processes, to be presented at Ars Electronica, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June-August 2024.
  • Festival Este
    Exhibition of the VR work ‘0L1MP1A PROGRAM’ at the upcoming Festival Este, on the 11th of November 2023 at Espacio Odeón in Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Welcome to the Uncanny - ADAF
    Exhibition of the work Ouroboros selected for the Athens Digital Arts Festival 2023, Korai Arcade, Athens, Greece, 12-14 May 2023.
  • Stiftung Kunstfonds - Grant
    Special funding for selected Bauhaus University graduates 2021.
  • Young Talents - Scholarship
    Full scholarship recipient to study Masters Program, ICETEX, Colombia, May 2017.
  • From Where I Stand
    Exhibition of the work Ouroboros selected for the Art, Science & Technology Exhibition, organized by Athens Digital Arts Festival, at the G.I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa, Greece, 10-12 Dec 2021.
  • Window Wonderland 2021
    Selected Animator and Augmented Reality artist at The Junction 2nd Annual Window Wonderland Exhibit, Toronto, Canada, 26 Nov 2021 - 02 Jan 2022.
  • Latin American Symposium of Media Art - S.L.A.M
    Exhibition of the work Ouroboros selected in representation of the academic curatorship of the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, Cinemateca, Bogotá, Colombia, 17-28 Nov 2021.
  • RealMix 2021 Exposition
    Virtual exposition at the Bogota's Planetarium (HUBS), with the winners from RealMix 2020 and Arte No Escadao 2021 from Brazil, 02-31 July 2021.
  • +CODE Festival
    AR artwork exhibited at Festival of Digital Culture +CODE , Argentina, June 2021.
  • RealMix 2020 Latinamerican Awards
    Winner of the first festival given by IDARTES to AR and VR artworks in their International festival RealMix, December 2020.
  • 3rd International Conference on Spatiality and Immersivity
    Invited speaker on Hyperreality, Hyporeality, Immersivity and New Materialities, UAM, México, 07/12/2020.
  • 3rd International Conference on Spatiality and Immersivity
    Artwork selected for the Virtual Gallery, UAM, México, December 2020.
  • Medienkunstpreis
    Chosen artist to represent the Bauhaus University's Interface Design group of 2019-2020 nominated to the 12th Media Art Price, Eigenheim Galerie Weimar, Jul-Aug 2020.
  • Suratómica Festival
    Guest speaker "Life in the cosmos, Singularity and AI", September 2020.
  • A|CERCA del Origen
    Augmented Reality work chosen for virtual exposition at first arts & science festival by Suratómica. Bogotá, Colombia, September 2020.
  • Mutante.Lab Group
    Mention of honor for "Narrative possibilities for Expanded Realities" in Research Support Grant for Narratives and Communication, Ministry of Culture, Colombia, July 2020.
  • Transmediale
    Conference about Master’s thesis on art and technology. Berlin, Germany, 31 January 2019.
  • Summaery
    Bauhaus - Universität, Critical VR, Weimar, Germany, 2018.
  • MTG-1
    Collection of the best degree projects, Casa Común, Bogotá, Colombia, March 2015.
  • Ouroboros
    Foundation Theatre Odeon, Individual exposition, Bogotá, Colombia, 16 December 2014.
  • Sin Rumbo Fijo
    Degree projects exposition, 10-18 December 2014, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Festival Equinoccio Exploraciones
    Photosynthesis projects, Bogotá, Colombia, 20-22 March 2014.
  • Tal Vez Viéndolo
    Inaugural exposition of illustrations, Bogotá, Colombia, 2013.
  • Projections
    Electronic Art Works, 4 Parques, Bogotá, Colombia, September 2012.
  • Imagínese
    Meritorious illustration exposition, Exposition Hall, Xavierian University, Bogotá, Colombia, 2012.









